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How to Write a Rhetorical Analysis Essay

College Essay? Speech? Art? Advertisement? Writing a book? At some point, you will use rhetorical analysis. If you are here, then you need help. Here, we will explain how rhetorical analysis works, different approaches and styles, structures, etc. We always use this kind of analysis in our regular life; realizing this will help you better understand the nature of the rhetorical analysis.

Rhetorical analysis is a highly strong instrument in the proper hands; applying this type of analysis can enhance not just your writing, but also your ability to think. For example, if you have a brilliant argument in a debate, it will lose weight and strength if you don't use the right strategy. Using context, style, and structure together with arguments can stump your interlocutor. Keep this in mind while reading the article further.

Terms of Writing

You can find all of this in books. Starting with:

  • Rhetorical Analysis: What Is It? A rhetorical analysis analyses all aspects of the rhetorical situation: the audience, goal, medium, and context: within which a communication was created and delivered to construct an argument about it.

Also, you need to understand three types of narration or appeals in rhetorical analysis:

  • Ethical narration or Ethos: Way of narration in which you refer to yourself as an expert on a topic and use personal experience.
    • For example: Stand up comedians sometimes use their histories and choices as a plot. Showing moral sides of the situation and hyperbolizing to some extent. Playing on emotions and using unexpected ways to solve the conflict, which makes people laugh.
  • Logical narration or Logos: Way of narration in which you use reasoned arguments for persuasion. Logic and evidence are the primary tools to make a point.
    • For example: In most academic studies, you can find facts, tables, statistics, and references. The writer makes his point and tries to persuade the reader by referencing straight information.
  • Emotional narration or Pathos. Way of narration in which the major goal is pulling out people's emotions. You can try to make someone angry, bad, or happy. This way, if you understand emotions, you can easily persuade someone.
    • For example: Xmas president's speech on TV trying to make you feel happy and proud about what your country went through. Speech aiming at your sense of Christmas mood to persuade you that next year will be better, more productive.

Last, you need to be aware of how to structure your argument to strengthen it:

  • Statements: Idea, an argument with which you want to persuade the listener or reader. It can be one point or different ones with a similar idea.
  • Support: Each assertion made by the author must be supported by evidence. These might include everything from proof to emotional objections: whatever is used to persuade the reader to accept a statement.
  • Warrants: The connection between statement and support is referred to as the warrant. Outside more formal arguments, people frequently left the warrant unsaid. The author trusts their audience will recognize the link without a warrant. However, it can still be used sometimes.

Additional components of rhetorical analysis:

  • Kairos or window: It's the best time to make an argument, it's what makes your argument so strong. Critical time makes your thesis much more important.
    • First example: A joke that is told at the right moment and in the right context is far more fun than one that is told at the wrong time and in the wrong context.
    • Second example: Arguments that have been used after all the facts will indeed be stronger than if we used them out of context.
  • Stasis or resting place: Stupor is a place where two arguments are opposite each other and allow people to overthink and find weak spots in the statement. The better you understand the topic or your argument, the less stasis would be.

A Step-By-Step Guide to Rhetorical Analysis Essay. Outline

After you read all the definitions, we can continue with a step-by-step guide. This will help me understand the more in-depth structure and where exactly to start one part and end another. Let me introduce you to how you want to structure rhetorical analysis.

Audience portret

To put it another way, make a characteristic of your listener. What is his name? What he or she wants. What arguments may a person make? Which style will have the most impact on them? This part is your fulcrum. Take your time learning because if you cannot make the right characteristics of your listener, you will fail in making a good point personally to the listener, and fixing all the mistakes would be much harder. Pattern for gathering information:

  • Appearance: Introduce yourself as a person with ideas, make a character, add some context about yourself and how this subject touches you. Reading about an interesting person saying interesting things is more interesting than reading without one.
  • Context: If you want the reader to understand your points better, you need to create a context. Where and How. Try to play on expectations. Context does not need to make your statement complex, but it surely must make it have more weight.
  • Spectator: How I said in the description to paragraph, try to find edges to handle one, play on feelings of a person. Influence a group of people while still answering a topic.
  • Reason: You need to have a reason for everything, and of course, you have a reason for writing an essay, but what about people? Find common reasons that everybody can share. Make it bigger than it is. You need people to be focused on your analysis. Just don't make your statement goofy.
  • Objective: Your aim must be clear to you first. You must understand every sentence and where it leads you. Narration, if you lost it, step back or take a rest. The splendid structure won't let it happen. So try to make some supporting points first before writing anything.
  • Tone: Depends on what you are talking about, death of a thousand people? Well, not the best tone for it to joke and fool around. Talking about newborn puppies. Well, academic writing is not the best choice for it. Don't forget to pick the narration to make the right tone.

Choose Style and Details

Find the best way to solve the puzzle or what exactly makes it harder. Find a solution or opposite argument for analysis. Like this:

  • Main thesis: Topic which makes things going.
  • Make a scenario: Imagine how you can argue, what people will think or how they will react.
  • Argument: Imagine all the arguments which can appear in the thoughts of your audience. Try to find counterarguments.
  • Conclusion: Make a conclusion considering all arguments. Your conclusion must refer to the thesis.

Build an analysis

Step by step, brick by brick, build up your amazing analysis. If your text at the start looks raw, don't be afraid, just build something on top of it. Start from the base, add additional into your text topic, mix with some fancy words, let your listener rest, and end up with excellent results. That's pretty much it. Don't be afraid to improve or make a change. Who knows what it will lead you to?

Structure of the text

What are your thoughts on text structure? Everybody has their variant. Many people sometimes don't use structure, and that's their mistake. A talented writer doesn't abandon traditions and rules. He turns them on his side.

Introduce yourself to people

Say hello to your listener, tell them about who you are or what is your point. Let them speculate. Don't tell them the entire story. Piece by piece, let them try to find out for themselves, what is your point.

Make a thesis

Make it clear, people should know what you are talking about, they should easily relate to this, understand your position and make assumptions because of your thesis. Put in the thesis everything most important thoughts.

Fill body paragraphs

Easiest part. Here are all arguments, counter arguments. Add some analogies to them. Resting places and abstract words shouldn't distract from the main point. Every paragraph needs to have a different approach to the same topic if you want to keep interested.

End everything with the conclusion

Your results must come out of the thesis and body paragraphs logically. You can't conclude out of thin air. Everything you've done previously must be based on your conclusion, and as a result, the overall thoughts presented in body paragraphs must be improved.

Rhetorical Analysis Essay Professional Tips

Need more help with your essays? Surely we have some more tips for you. Here are some of the professional tips for improving your essays:

  • Read the prompts carefully and make sure you understand the assignment.
  • Choose a topic or approach.
  • Make an outline.
  • Outline example.
  • Edit your initial draft.
  • Enhance your language. Syntax, orthography, and punctuation abilities.
  • Make use of vocabulary.
  • Look at the evidence critically.
  • Create an appropriate ending.
  • Make it unique.
  • Experiment with writing essays.

In-depth about the Rhetorical triangle

An evenly spaced triangle is commonly used to depict the rhetorical triangle, implying that logos, ethos, and pathos should be balanced within the writing. Which aspect(s) of the rhetorical triangle you favor in your writing, however, is determined by both the audience and the aim of the writing. However, if in doubt, seek a balance of all three aspects.

Questions that can assist you in identifying and applying logos, ethos, and pathos

The questions below can be used in two directions: to analyze how you use logic, ethic, and emotion in your writing, and to assess how other writers use them.


  • Thesis clear and specific?
  • Theory backed by interesting arguments and credible evidence?
  • Is the argument reasonable and well?


  • What exactly are the writer's credentials?
  • How does the author connect to the topic at hand?
  • Does the author show respect for other points of view by citing sources in the text? Are the sources trustworthy? Are the sources properly documented?
  • Is the tone appropriate for the audience/purpose?
  • Is the diction (word choice) adequate for the audience/purpose?
  • Is the paper presented in a polished and professional manner?


  • Are vivid instances, details, and pictures employed to arouse the reader's emotions and imagination?
  • Does the writer appeal to the reader's values and ideas by offering instances that the reader can relate to or care about?


Keep in mind everything above. All of this guidance may transform your articles or speeches from a dull element of an event to a captivating introduction to you or your topic. This is the first step toward achievement.

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