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How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay

College means dealing with numerous academic assignments, which are a great way to check your knowledge and analytical/writing skills and evaluate how well you've worked throughout the semester. At your level of education, you will face all kinds of writing assignments with their specificities and requirements, which are often quite baffling. One of them is a compare and contrast essay which we have devoted this article to.

If you read how to write this type of essay on WikiHow and use a community answer, it might seem quite easy. But as soon as you start writing, you realize that it's more complicated than you thought it would be. However, you shouldn't worry anymore! Our professional writers want to share their rich writing experience.

We collected the most significant tips to create this little guide. Don't worry about not knowing how to write a compare and contrast essay worth getting the highest rate as you will find all the necessary information below.

What Is a Compare and Contrast Essay?

If you want to write a sound essay, it's essential to understand everything about this type of paper. The first thing you need to do is understand the purpose and concept of your compare and contrast paper. This assignment is used to analyze differences and similarities between the chosen objects and requires the author to develop a thesis, showing their position regarding the main subjects.

Is Its Format Any Different?

Compare and contrast essay format is quite similar to other papers' arrangements. It doesn't have a strict length limitation and composition differences. This essay usually has an introduction, body part, and a conclusion. One of the critical differences is its content, a body paragraph, should mostly contain the "compare and contrast" elements.

Another thing that distinguishes this type is that the compare and contrast text varies in logical order and meaning of segments. Here are the three ways of going about your writing.

  • Compare, then contrast
    The author should first provide all comparisons and then move to all distinctions. This way is helpful in case you want to emphasize how different your subjects are.
  • Block type
    This formatting discusses different matters in turns. After you pick two subjects, you choose the criteria you are going to use to contrast and compare them in your body paragraphs. In the first paragraph of the body part, you describe a particular approach regarding the first subject. Then you move to the next one (second paragraph) and try to evaluate it in the light of the same criterion. The description of the subjects you are examining should be provided in the same order.
  • Organizing the paper point by point
    If you choose this style of ordering, you will have to discuss the subjects one after another all the time. It means that if you present one point about the first subject, then you move straight to the same discussion about the second subject. And you keep doing the same thing with all the aspects you want to highlight.

Compare and Contrast Essay Structure Tips

As we mentioned above, the structure is close to the basic one. However, let's try to highlight the most important things about each part.

Thesis statement

Before writing, you should come up with a good thesis statement. Challenging and engaging - these are the characteristics which should describe your argument. It should present the subjects you are going to juxtapose. The thesis statement of a compare and contrast essay is aimed to give the primary information without going into detail. The first thing we pay attention to when we read a book or an article is the title. When we read essays and other papers, it is the thesis statement we see first. So, it's crucial to dedicate more time to your thesis. There are many online sources on the Internet that provide useful tips on how to write a thesis for a compare and contrast essay. Hence, in case you want to choose a winning one, don't neglect reading extra about this specific part of the paper.

The introduction

It should provide the necessary information and details about the objects. Here, you need to explain why you've chosen to compare these cities, school locations, two painters, or two types of activities, etc. You should also assure the reader that both subjects are worth being compared. In other words, provide the relevance of the essay.

If you wonder how to start a compare and contrast essay, we recommend giving the most important information, explaining why their comparison is significant. The introduction should turn the attention of the readers to further discussion and make them want to learn more about what is laid out in your essay.

The body part

It is a central part of the essay because it contains all the points you parallel. It is where you explain and convince the readers to believe that the two subjects are either similar or different, depending on what you try to prove and what you state in the thesis.

The conclusion

The culmination of your essay is the ending. That's why it is imperative to write a persuasive conclusion and sum up all the information and evidence. What is more, this last section shouldn't bring up any new information, but only restate what you were discussing previously.

Besides all mentioned above, we think it's essential to provide you with some extra tips on how to write a high-quality essay.

Compare and Contrast Essay Outline Example

If you think of creating the best compare and contrast essay, you should make an outline first. That is proved by many years of academic writing experience. Our professionals believe that a good outline is a must if you aim at organizing a contrast essay well and avoiding forgetting any info. If you write down important ideas before writing the essay, there is a little chance of missing any details. Prepare a detailed compare and contrast essay template so that you can show it to someone else, maybe even your professor, to get the feedback. It can help you decide whether the examples you provide in the paper are relevant and whether you move in the right direction.

A few little tips to improve your writing even more!

  • Never forget about the logical connection between your subjects. Many writers forget to actually compare and contrast. Instead, they just summarize each of the two subject areas separately.
  • Use the following words and phrases to create a good essay: to be the same as, neither [...] nor, likewise, similarly, just like, to be alike, however, while, on the other hand, to differ from, in contrast, in comparison to, etc.
  • Don't forget to brainstorm before writing! It is a great way to come up with creative and captivating ideas.

Good Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

A good topic is your surefire way to success. Try to choose the one which is relevant and interesting to both you and the reader. If the essay writer decides on something that doesn't challenge and engage, it will be tough to enjoy the writing process. Take time to pick the most suitable topic.

We decided to share some compare and contrast essay ideas.

  1. Marriage or civil union. Which way to build relationships is better and more reliable?
  2. Military Situation in Ukraine and Syria. Both countries are under constant attack. What is common in both situations and what is different?
  3. The Islamic State and Al-Qaeda. Which one of those is a more serious threat?
  4. Discuss World War I and World War II.
  5. Cars or bicycles? Consider the ever-changing environment situation.
  6. Gun politics in the United States - should the weapons be legalized? Juxtapose two points of view.
  7. Compare and contrast a country with a loyal attitude to immigrants with one that has strict immigration policies.
  8. Investing money in space exploration or solving Earth problems.
  9. Woods and beaches. What is the best place for a holiday?
  10. What is better - traditional learning or online learning program?
  11. Quitting the university or having education completed?
  12. What is your highest level of education? Pros and cons of studying at a college and a university.

The most important advice from us is to be creative! Try to find a challenging topic of the highest level of interest to you, pick interesting examples, and conduct in-depth research on the subjects. We believe in your success and hope you'll say, "Your guidelines really helped me with my essay!" It's time to write a decent paper!

Applying to a college or a university requires to be a high school graduate or have completed the GED school test. Then, when you think all the heavy stuff is finally behind you, you get a load of tasks that academic life has prepared for you. If you feel you need help with some of them, remember that we are always here for you. Get your requirements into our order form and have a cup of coffee while we get your task done!

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